We're here to help

Use Sleep Mode to reset your prices to max

Price wars are a very common thing when selling online and using a Repricing tool. You and your competitors are

Using the Safe Mode to stop price uploads to Amazon and eBay

From time to time you may find yourself wanting to keep your products repricing but not upload the changes to Amazon or eBay. Maybe you're testing…

Connecting eBay to Repricer

Getting set up with Repricer couldn't be easier. Our clear and simple onboarding flow will take you through the setup process every step of the…

Troubleshooting: Why is my product repricing at Min or at Max?

This help file will give you all the common reasons why your product can reprice at your Minimum or at your Maximum price. Before you start    You…

Troubleshooting: Amazon Deactivation for Pricing Errors

If you have a Repricer.com account and if you sell on Amazon, you will sometimes notice listings being flagged as inactive due to potential pricing…

Troubleshooting: Why is my product repricing below my Min or above my Max?

This help file will show you certain situations where you can potentially reprice below your Minimum or above your Maximum price. Before…

Sales Rules Settings

Repricer's Sales Rules are an entirely new way to Reprice against your competitors' using your order

Connecting Amazon to Repricer

Getting set up with Repricer couldn't be easier. Our clear and simple onboarding flow will take you through the setup process every step of the…

Suppressed Buy Box Repricing

What happens to your Repricing when Amazon decides to remove the Buy Box on a listing. This guide will go through settings and strategies…

Using the Kick-Start Repricer

The Kick-Start Repricer changes your price periodically to make your competitors react, and give you a better chance of getting the Buy Box when…

Minimum and Maximum Prices

In order to reprice, it's important to set your Minimum and Maximum Prices. These function as floor and ceiling prices, ensuring you always make…

Troubleshooting: Why is my price not uploaded?

This help file will guide you through common reasons why your price is correct in Repricer.com but won't upload to your platform. Before…

Creating an Amazon Repricing Rule

When creating an Amazon repricing rule you have an enormous amount of flexibility in options and controls available to you, so you can craft…

What is an out-of-bounds seller and when should I ignore one?

Out-of-bounds sellers are sellers who fall outside of your minimum and maximum price range. In this article, we will guide you through all you…

Frequently Asked Questions

Repricer is an automated Repricing software for online sellers. Your strategy can be targeted at your competitors and/or based on your products’…

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