This help file will give you all the common reasons why your product can reprice at your Minimum or at your Maximum price.
Before you start
- You need to have a account. To find out how to create one, click here.
Check if 'Exclude out-of-bounds sellers' is ticked
Within your Repricing rule, you have the option to exclude out-of-bounds sellers. This means that you won't compete with sellers if they are priced below your Min or above your Max price.
Click on Repricing Rules on the left-hand side nav.
Click on the Repricing rule in question.
Select 2. Advanced Options near the bottom of the page.
And then check the Exclusions section showing to find out if it's ticked or not.
Scroll down just below the Exclusions section to see the Scenarios in your account.
What you can do in this particular scenario is either untick the option Exclude out-of-bounds sellers or change your If No Competitors scenario.
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Creating an Amazon Repricing Rule
Check your Scenarios in your Rule [Amazon only]
Click on Repricing Rules on the left-hand side nav.
Click on the Repricing rule in question.
Select 2. Advanced Options near the bottom of the page.
And then check the Scenarios section showing.
- If Buy Box Winner: if you selected either Upward: if a price change is required, only reprice up or Optimize Profit: proactively reprice upward, to optimize profit for this particular scenario.
This means that you will only reprice upwards and you're likely to reach your Maximum price very fast. Once you do, you won't reprice any higher so you will be stuck at Max price.
- If No One Owns Buy Box: if you selected either Change my price to my minimum or Change my price to my maximum.This means that you will go straight down to Min or straight up to Max.
This means that you will reprice at your Maximum price right away.
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Maximize your profits with the Buy Box Optimizer
Check if the Kick-Start Repricer is enabled [Amazon only]
The Kick-Start Repricer changes your price periodically to make your competitors react, and give you a better chance of getting the Buy Box when they do.
Within your Repricing Rule, you can set the Kick-Start Repricer to drop or rise your current price by X amount or percentage every few hours and stay at that price.
You need to be careful with this setting as increasing or decreasing by a large amount means you could potentially end up being stuck at Min or at Max price.
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Check if the Buy Box Chaser is enabled [Amazon only]
Within your Repricing Rule, you can set the Buy Box Chaser to drop your current price by X amount or percentage every 15min, 30min or 1hr.
You need to be careful with this setting as decreasing by a large amount means you could potentially end up being stuck at Min price.
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Using the Buy Box Chaser to make more sales
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