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Sales Rules Settings

Repricer's Sales Rules are an entirely new way to Reprice against your competitors' using your order

An Introduction to Sales Rules

Repricer's Sales Rules are an entirely new way to Reprice against your competitors' using your order

Velocity Sales Rules

Repricer's Sales Rules are an entirely new way to Reprice against your competitors' using your order

How do Competitor Rules work?

You can find two types of Rules in your Repricer.com account. Default Rules and Competitor Rules, here to help you fine-tune your Repricing. This…

How and when are your Repricing Rules applied?

Your Repricing Rules allow you to create strategies and determine how your products are going to reprice. In this article, we will explain…

Changing your Products Repricing Rule

In order to reprice, your products need both a Minimum / Maximum Price as well as a Repricing Rule. Your rule determines how your products will…

Volume Sales Rules

Repricer's Sales Rules are an entirely new way to Reprice against your competitors' using your order

Creating an eBay Repricing Rule

When creating an eBay repricing rule you have an enormous amount of flexibility in options and controls available to you, so you can craft a…

Using Repricing Rules Templates

If you’d like to get started quickly or are unsure about what strategy you’d like to employ you can use a repricing template. This help…

Creating Competitor Rules

If you want to get granular on how you price against your competitors depending on Buy Box status, fulfillment method, stock levels, shipping,…

Using Repricer for Brand and White Label Products

As well as offering competitor repricing, Repricer also offers a suite of features which will be useful to brand and white-label sellers. If…

How to target specific fulfilment types with Repricer

In order to properly target your competitors it's important to look at how their products are shipped and target th

Getting Started with eBay

As with any piece of software knowing the basics is vital to making the most out of your free trial. In this article I wanted to introduce you…

Target or Ignore specific Competitors/Sellers

Each seller on Amazon has their own unique Seller/Merchant ID. Using this ID you can use your Repric

Getting Started with Amazon

As with any piece of software knowing the basics is vital to making the most out of your free trial. In this article I wanted to introduce you…

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