Imports are a great way to save time and bulk edit products in your Repricer account using the templates provided. This article discusses the common reasons imports might fail and products can be rejected. Better yet, we show you what you can do about it! 

Note: If you're just getting started, why not take a look at our Amazon Imports or eBay Imports articles.

Required Columns

Repricer's imports give great flexibility to add and remove columns from your file however some columns are required. If these required columns are not present in your file, your file will fail to import. Please ensure that all of the columns below are included in your file to allow it to import successfully.

Amazon Import required fields are:  sku | marketplace | merchant_id | fba 
eBay Import required fields are:  marketplace | store | sku 
With Amazon Imports, if you supply some cost or fee fields (Unit_Cost, Shipping_Cost, Pickpack_Cost, RRP_Price, FBA_Fee) then the associated currency fields (Ie, unit_cost & unit_currency) become required. See the full list in this article.

Import File Format

When submitting a Repricer import your file should be a .CSV (Comma delimited) file. If you are submitting a file larger than 10MB, then this .CSV file should be compressed and uploaded in one of our accepted compression formats. Repricer's accepted compression formats are zip, 7z, bz2, gz.

Any other file formats will cause your import to fail to import.

Fields & Values are Case Sensitive 

The data supplied in your import is case-sensitive. This means that, for example, Sku, sku & SKU are not read as the same. This also applies to your own fields, such as Repricing Rules and Sales Rules.

Please be careful to only supply values in the correct casing to ensure updates are applied.

SKU does not exist

In order for Repricer to apply an update to a product it must already exist within Repricer. Repricer will automatically download new products throughout the day however you cannot add new products using the import. If your product has not yet been added to Repricer, that product will be rejected.

If you also have long numeric SKUs (such as UPCs), then some spreadsheet programs can corrupt those SKUs if not correctly formatted before the file is saved. You'll know if your products are affected when you open your file as your SKU will look similar to this - 6.9968E+14.  Learn more about this problem and have to resolve it here.

Rejected Yes / No Values

When you have a field that expects a Yes/No, the expected values are Yes or No. If you supply a Y or N instead this will not be recognised.

Please ensure to supply only the correct Yes / No values.

Duplicate SKU

Within Repricer, every Amazon channel you add can have the same SKU twice. One which is FBA, and one which is not FBA. If you attempt to supply the same SKU twice within your file with the same Merchant ID, Marketplace, and FBA value, this would constitute a duplicate and Repricer will automatically reject both SKUs.

This will also apply to eBay, but on eBay, you can only have one SKU per Channel.

Rejected Merchant ID (Amazon)

For your file to successfully import you will need to supply the Merchant ID of the Amazon account your product is listing against. This is to allow Repricer to match the row in your file to the correct product within Repricer. You can find your Merchant ID on your Channel Screen within Repricer. Below are some common reasons why this might be invalid.

  • You have mistyped your Merchant ID, verify it's accurate on your Channel Screen.
  • You supplied a Merchant ID not currently within Repricer
  • You supplied a valid Merchant ID but it is not tied to the Marketplace you supplied (see next section)

Rejected Marketplace (Amazon)

For your file to successfully import you will need to supply the Amazon Marketplace your product is listing against. For example AUK for Amazon UK. This is to allow Repricer to match the row in your file to the correct product within Repricer. Below are some common reasons why this might be invalid as well as a list of the accepted format for each Amazon Marketplace.

  • You supplied a Marketplace not associated with the Merchant ID also supplied on that row of your import
  • The Marketplace has not been supplied in the correct format (see list below)

Rejected Store Name (eBay)

For your file to successfully import you will need to supply the Store name of the eBay account your product is listing against. Your Store Name would be the same as your eBay Username. This is to allow Repricer to match the row in your file to the correct product within Repricer. You can find your store on your Channel Screen within Repricer. Below are some common reasons why this might be invalid.

  • You have mistyped your Store name, verify it's accurate on your Channel Screen.
  • You supplied a store not currently within Repricer
  • You supplied a valid store but it is not tied to the Marketplace you supplied (see next section)

Rejected Marketplace (eBay)

For your file to successfully import you will need to supply the eBay Marketplace your product is listing against.  For example EBAY_UK for eBay UK. This is to allow Repricer to match the row in your file to the correct product within Repricer. Below are some common reasons why this might be invalid as well as a list of the accepted format for each eBay Marketplace.

  • You supplied a Marketplace not associated with the Store also supplied on that row of your import
  • The Marketplace has not been supplied in the correct format (see list below)

The rule does not exist

If submitting a Repricing Rule or Sales Rule, you must supply the name of your Rule exactly as it appears within Repricer. Rules are also case-sensitive! If you supply a name that does not match an existing Rule then that will cause your product to be rejected on import.

To be sure of your Rules name, make sure to copy/paste the name directly from your Repricing Rules Screen.

Rejected Currency

When submitting some fields in your import, such as Cost Prices, you need to submit a recognized currency along with them so Repricer knows what currency you are using. Repricer imports recognize the ISO 4217 Alphanumeric currency code format (such as GBP, USD, CAD, etc). You can see a full list here.

Please ensure to only supply currencies in this format otherwise your product will be rejected.

The file is too large

Repricer import files, if submitted as a .CSV are limited to 10MB in size. You can submit a file larger than this, however, before you submit the file you must first compress the file into one of Repricer's accepted compression formats. Repricer's accepted compression formats are zip, 7z, bz2, gz.

Further Reading

 If you would like to find out more about setting your Min / Max prices on Repricer, click here.

Interested to find out more about Bulk Uploads with Repricer, click here.

Still having issues? Don't hesitate to contact our Support Team for help!