Repricer makes it really easy for you to consult all your previous payments and download your invoices. In this article, we'll guide you through all the steps to retrieve your invoices and consult your payment history.

Note: Did you know that you can save money by paying annually? To find out more, click here.

Where is the Receipts section?

  1. Ensure that you're an Admin user to access the Billing section.
  2. Go to Settings → Subscription → View receipt history

Using your Receipt History

This section of the Subscription page will allow you to consult all your previous payments and download all your invoices. To find out more about all the plans available, click here.

On this screen, your next billing date will show in blue at the very top and you will also be able to consult:
  • Date: the date the payment was taken on.
  • Period: indicates whether you paid monthly or annually.
  • Amount: the amount you paid.
  • Description: indicates which plan you were subscribed to at the time of the payment. 
  • Status: indicates whether the payment was successful or failed.
  • Invoice: allows you to view and download your invoice.

Download your Invoices

Once on the Payment Receipts screen, it's very easy for you to retrieve your previous invoices. Simply click on the blue PDF link and this will download it directly onto your PC.

Note, if your invoice doesn't download or you can't open it, you can reach out to our Support Team for help.

On your invoice, you'll be able to see the following information:

  • xSellco's Billing Address: xSellco is the company behind
  • Your Billing Address: the address you gave when entering your card details. If you needed to change it, you can do it from the Subscription page. To find out more, click here.
  • Your Company's VAT Number: this would be the VAT number you entered via Settings → Company Settings → General → VAT number.
  • The Products you purchased: to find out more about all the plans available with, click here.<
  • The Invoice Total: the amount you paid on this invoice.

Further Reading

If you want to find out more about payment failures & how to resolve them, click here.
Interested in learning more about the Repricer subscription plans? Click here.