Repricer uses Minimum and Maximum Prices to allow you to reprice your products, but did you know that Amazon has its own Min Max Prices on Seller Central? If you set your own Amazon Min Max Prices, you will need to keep them in line with your Repricer Min Max Prices to avoid your products being deactivated for pricing errors. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of taking your Repricer Min Max Prices and updating Amazon with them.
Note: If you don't set Amazon Min Max Prices, Amazon will still use their own limits in the background, so to ensure your products are never deactivated for pricing errors we would recommend that you replicate your Repricer Min Max Prices onto Amazon.

Preparing my Repricer Min Max Prices for Amazon

If you'd like to update your Amazon Min Max Prices, the first step is to reformat your Repricer Min Max Prices for Amazon. We'll start by downloading your existing Repricer Min Max Prices,
  • Login to Repricer
  • Select Imports on your left-hand menu
  • Download the All Available Fields template

Once downloaded, you should open your Repricer All Available Fields template with a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. You can use other popular services such as Google Sheets as well. Learn more about Repricer's Imports in this article.
Note: If you are currently repricing on different Amazon Marketplaces (Ie, Amazon US, CA, MX), then you should first take your All Available Fields template and save a version with only the SKUs for each Marketplace as you will need to import a file for each Amazon Marketplace separately.

With your template open, first, we need to delete the fields we're not going to be using. Go ahead and delete all fields in your file other than the following. You should also remove any products with a Min or Max Price of 0.

  • sku
  • price_minimum
  • price_maximum
  • my_shipping

Once you have done this, add two new columns to your file,

  • minimum-seller-allowed-price
  • maximum-seller-allowed-price

Repricer's Min Max Prices include your Shipping price while Amazon doesn't include shipping. For example, if your Minimum Price on Repricer is $25, and that $2 shipping is charged by Amazon, your Minimum Price on Amazon would be $23. This means we need to calculate what our new Amazon Min Max Prices should be.

To calculate your Amazon Min Price, click into the cell for your first product in the minimum-seller-allowed-price column. Calculate your new Min Price by taking your Repricer Min and reducing it by Shipping. In the example below, that would be =B2-D2. Check your calculation is correct and apply that same calculation to each product. You can then do the same with your Max Prices, taking your current Repricer Max Price and reducing it by shipping to calculate your Amazon Max Price.Once you are finished, you should have a file similar to the one below, with your new Amazon Min Max prices, which are the same as your Repricer ones, without shipping.Next, we need to save our file. Go ahead and save your new file as a text (tab delimited) format file and then close your file

In the final step, you should open your file again in Excel and delete the Repricer price columns (price_minimum, price_maximum, my_shipping). This should leave just skuminimum-seller-allowed-price and maximum-seller-allowed-price. And that's it, your Amazon file is now ready.

Uploading your new Min Max Prices to Amazon

In order to upload your new Min Max Price file to Amazon you must first login to Amazon Seller Central. Please ensure that you are logged into Seller Central under the correct Amazon Marketplace before uploading your file!
Remember: Amazon have different Min Max Prices for each Marketplace, so you will need to upload files for each country (Ie, Amazon US, CA, MX) with their own Min Max Prices.

Once logged into Seller Central, let's upload your file,

  • Within Seller Central, click the menu at the top left of your screen
  • Select Catalogue
  • Select Add Products via Upload
This should open the Upload your Spreadsheet screen where you will upload your file. Either drag and drop your file or click Browse Files and browse to your file. Once you have uploaded your file, on the left-hand side set the File Type dropdown to Price & Quantity File. Finally, select Submit Products to upload your file.You will be automatically redirected to the Spreadsheet upload status screen where you can keep an eye on your file processing. This should only take a few minutes. Once your file has finished processing you will be able to see the number of products that were successfully updated. If any products were rejected or if there was an issue with your file you can click the Download Processing Summary button to download a file explaining why some products were not updated.And that's you done, your Amazon Min Max Prices have now been updated! Just remember to update any other Amazon Marketplaces you have. Amazon can also take 10-15 minutes for these new prices to appear on your Amazon Seller Central Inventory Page, so please be patient.

Further Reading

Learn about the various Import Templates available within Repricer in this article.
Learn about how Repricer can set your Min Max Prices for you in this article.