Amazon Business is Amazon's fastest-growing third-party segment, offering exclusive features and pricing to business buyers around the world. This article explores how Repricer's Amazon Business feature can help you gain a competitive edge and secure more sales over your competitors.

Please note, Amazon Business is an add-on feature. You can start a free 14-day free trial from within your account by clicking here.

Replicator Repricer

Amazon listings have two landing prices: one for business buyers and another for everyone else. Repricer's Amazon Business Replicator Repricer allows you to use your standard Amazon price as the linchpin for your Business Price and quantity discounts. Here's how to set up an Amazon Business Replicator Repricer: 

  • Click Repricing Rules on your navigation bar
  • Click Create a Repricing Rule on the top right
  • Choose Amazon Business Rule
  • Choose a Replicator Repricer template that fits your needs

Once you have selected your template you will be on the Amazon Business Rule Screen where you can review and fine-tune your settings. Through the rest of this article, we will discuss the Replicator Repricer, how it works and the settings available.
Please note, this article is focused on the Amazon Business Replicator Repricer. Find more information on the Amazon Business Competitive Repricer here.

The Replicator Repricer ties your Business Price and Quantity Discounts to your standard Amazon Price. 

Single Unit Price

You start by setting your single-unit business price. This can match or be lower than your standard Amazon Price. It is recommended that this is lower.

Quantity Discounts

Amazon Business also allows business sellers to set up to 5 Quantity Discounts. These discounted prices will be available if a business buyer is willing to buy this many units of stock in a single order. The quantity discount should always be listed lowest - highest (ie, 2,5, 10 - Not, 10,5,2). If two Quantity Discounts calculate the same price or a higher quantity has a lower discount, Repricer will automatically make the lower discount 1c higher than the previous. Eg. if 5 and 10 qty ranges both went to $9.95, 10 would go to $9.95 and 5 would increase to $9.96.

Rule Settings

The Amazon Business Replicator Repricer has several useful rule settings you can use. Let's review them and how you can use them to benefit your business.

Business Minimum Price

To work well, your Business Rules should have the scope to go below the Minimum Price you have set for non-business buyers. Without this flexibility, you won't be able to lower prices for business buyers if the Minimum price is reached. 

You should set your Business Rule to reduce your price by enough to allow your Competitive Repricer and Quantity Discounts to maintain competitiveness.

Use percentage for Quantity Discounts

Your custom quantity discount ranges will reduce your business price by an amount - eg. 2c. Using this option you can use a percentage instead. This approach provides greater flexibility for products with varying monetary values in your Repricing Rule. 

Linking Rules

For Business Rules to apply to products you need to assign it to a Standard Amazon Rule. This is an easy process:

  • Click Repricing Rules on your navigation bar
  • Click on the Standard Rules tab
  • Click the Edit button on a rule of your choice
  • Navigate to the Advanced Options tab
  • Scroll down to the Attached Rules section
  • In Business Rules, select your desired Business Rule
Once you save your rule, all products assigned to that Standard Amazon Rule will also reprice against business competitors using your Business Competitive Repricer.  

Further Reading

If you'd like to learn more about Business Competitor Repricers click here
Learn about how you can reprice with Sales and orders here