The Multichannel Repricing feature allows multichannel sellers to manage pricing across their online marketplaces and webstores from a single dashboard, ensuring pricing parity across sales channels.
This help file will guide you through all the steps to set up Multichannel Pricing for supported channels in
Before you start
- You’ll need to be on the Repricer Ultimate or Extreme plan to access this feature. To find out more information, click here.
Note: If you'd like to use the Multichannel Pricing feature with eBay, Walmart or Shopify, click here.
01 Adding a Multichannel Replicator
To begin using Multichannel Pricing, you need to set up a Replicator. A Replicator is the same as a Repricing Rule, but for price replication across sales channels. You can set up a Replicator for each of your source channels.
The Replicator will take the price of your products from your Amazon Source Channel, and push (map) that price to your other Destination Marketplaces.
You can then define the destination price variation on both a marketplace-wide level or on an individual SKU level so that it is either:
- exactly matching the Amazon product price.
- above the Amazon product price by an amount/percentage.
- below the Amazon product price by an amount/percentage.
The destination price variation can help ensure your price parity across all of your sales channels.
To set up a new Replicator, go to Repricing Rules → Replicators and click on the + Create a New Replicator button. You will now be taken to the 3-step Replicator wizard.
- Step 1:
The first step is to give a Replicator Name and set an optional Default Price Variation. This is the amount/percentage above or below your Amazon channel that we will map to your Destination channel. Setting a Default Price Variation in this field will be applied to all products that have been imported (this can be edited on a SKU-by-SKU basis on the CSV Import file).
Next, select the Source Channel (Amazon) channel that you wish for your prices to be copied from, and then select the Destination Channel that you wish for your prices to be mapped (pushed) to.
The Destination Channel marketplaces that the Replicator currently supports are:
- Allegro
- BigCommerce
- eBay
- Fnac
- Magento
- Mirakl
- NewEgg CA
- NewEgg B2B
- Prestashop
- Sears
- Shopware
- WooCommerce
Once the desired channels have been selected, click Next.
- Step 2:
You can now download your Replicator Template. The Replicator Template file will contain your entire Amazon inventory (source_sku), and empty fields for you to match your Destination SKUs, set your individual SKU price variation, and the current Minimum and Maximum prices set for the Amazon SKUs.
For the Replicator to work, 2 columns are required: source_sku and destination_sku. The other columns can be left blank and are optional.
Note: Please see the Reference section below to see the various fields within the Replicator CSV Import template.
Once you have updated your SKUs and the optional fields, you can re-upload your file via the same page. Clicking Next will then take you to Step 3, where you can review the status of the uploaded file before proceeding to begin pushing your prices.
- Step 3:
Now that you have submitted your Import CSV file, Step 3 will let you know the following details:
Replicator Name: the name of the Replicator in question.
Replicator Type: it will show as Automatic if you have chosen the Automatic Linking System or File if you have chosen to map SKUs using the Replicator Template (CSV).
Last Update the date and time the Replicator last updated your prices.
Next Update the date and time the next price update is scheduled for.
SKU Count the number of SKUs that were contained in the file.
Updated SKU Count the number of SKUs that were updated from the file.
Status the status of the uploaded file.
Clicking Save Replicator begin mapping your prices and will take you to the Replicator overview page.
02 Reference: CSV Template Fields
Within this section, you will find details on the various fields within the Replicator CSV Import template.
CSV Columns:
source_sku (required): Your Amazon SKU
destination_sku (required): The SKU which matches that Amazon product on your chosen channel
min_price: The minimum price you might like to apply to an individual SKU
max_price: The maximum price you might like to apply to an individual SKU
beat_by_amount: The default amount above or below your Amazon price for an individual SKU. ("5.00" for +5) ("-5.00" for -5)
- beat_by_type: The type of increase or decrease you would like to apply (Type "amount" or "percent" depending on what option you want)
Further Readings
bigcommerce, woocommerce, multi channel, multichannel, replicator, big commerce, woo commerceTo find out more about using the Multichannel Pricing feature with eBay, Walmart or Shopify, click here.
Interested in learning more about what the Multichannel Pricing feature is? Click here.