Competitor Insights is a feature that allows Repricer customers to view their most aggressive competitors and quickly create tailored rules to beat them. In this article, we will show you how you can use them to help actively target your rivals so you can win the Buy Box more often.


The Competitors Screen

To access your Competitors Screen select Competitors on your left hand menu. The Competitors screen provides you with an in-depth analysis of how you are performing on a specific Amazon channel. The page is split into two sections: Your Marketplace and All Competitors. 

Your Marketplace

In Your Marketplace, you can choose which Amazon store to focus on. You can then use this information to get an overall view of our channel.

Are we winning the BuyBox on more SKUs than with the lowest price?

This could show us that the lowest price is not something that is important to the majority of our inventory.

Are we winning the lowest price but not winning the BuyBox?
This could mean we need to look at other sections of the BuyBox as we are winning on price. We may need to focus on feedback. Since you are already using Repricer you can get a 14 day trial of our Feedback tool. To find out more, click here.

All Competitors

The competitive advantage with this feature is found in the All Competitors section. Here you can view a list of your top competitors and target them based on these insights. Your competitors are listed in the first column and will be in order, from the strongest competitor downwards. Let's take a look at the information available,

  • SKUs Won Buy Box: Of your SKUs, how many you hold the BB and they don't
  • SKUs Lost Buy Box: Of your SKUs, how many they hold the BB and you don't
  • # of FBM SKUs: Of the SKUs Lost Buy Box, how many are Merchant Fulfilled.
  • # of FBA SKUs: Of the SKUs Lost Buy Box, how many you are Fulfilled by Amazon
  • # of Prime SKUs: Of the SKUs Lost Buy Box, how many you offer Prime
  • SKUs Lost not At Min:  Of the SKUs Lost Buy Box, how are not currently at Min 
  • Feedback Rating: The competitor's current feedback rating on Amazon.
  • Target Competition:  Target your Competitor! Details are in the next section.


Target Competition

Think of this Compete Rule as a sub-rule that is bolted onto your existing Repricing Rules. To find out more about Competitor Rules, click here.

By clicking on the target icon, the Create Competitor Rules box will open. From this menu, you can create your own unique Competitor Rule to specifically target this competitor.

Repricing rule

You can choose which Repricing Rule/Strategy you want to add this additional competitor rule to. This is a single existing competitor rule which is added to your Repricing Rule/Strategy.


Your current selected marketplace is set. You have the option of including other marketplace channels.

Competitor Rule Sequence

You can select the order in which this rule will be read when an event takes place. If you want to prioritize this competitor rule ensure it is set to Insert this rule first in the list. If you want other potential competitor rules to match before this rule is applied you can Append this rule to the end of the list.

Competitor Pricing Rule

Now you get to choose how you want to compete. With this new scenario, how do we want to reprice against this competitor?

The next settings are additional filters we can use based on FBA settings, Stock levels, Stock age, Shipping, etc. Use a combination of the settings to set unique and laser-focused rules. When you are happy with the details you have entered, click on Create complete rules for to put your rule into action.

Further Reading

If you would like to find out more about creating Competitor Rules, click here.

If you would be interested in learning about how Competitor Rules work, click here.